Saturday, November 1, 2008

HALLOWEEN!! 10/31/08

Here is our night..............

Kimo feeling the seeds!

Nani checking out the seeds.

Nani our little girl dragon!

Kimo our pirate/skeleton.

The kids with my pumpkin I carved while they were resting.

Nani thinks it's her pumpkin!


Butler Family said...

Boy these pictures sure make me miss those kids so much!!! I hope that we can get a chance to come out there soon or even live out there soon. CROSS YOUR FINGERS:) Thanks for putting pictures on here

HisWifeTheirMom said...

Share away!

Nani faces are sooo cute!

Butler Family said...

Where are the latest pics of the dog and kids??

Butler Family said...

Where are the Christmas Pics at? I want to see how BIG the kids are getting

Butler Family said...


Butler Family said...

head shots?? lol I was so not feeling up to taking any pictures that day but everyone kept asking for them so I just took some. lol Where are some new pictures of the kids?? We can't wait to see you guys either!! Gorodn does that all the time to my belly so I am sure Nani would just come right on over and do it too!! By the time you guys get here I will probably be huge. Funny how you ca,e out in the beginning of my pregnancy with Gordon but you are coming out in the end of this pregnancy!!! lol