Thursday, October 1, 2009

Another Sad day..........

Today we found out that at 4:55pm our friend Kitty lost her fight with H1N1. She started out not feeling too well and was taken to the hospital on Sept 15th and was put into the ICU. At first they diagnosed her with pneumonia. Then her cough got worse and her heart rate shot up and they took her to the ER. As time went on she got better and then would get thrown a cure ball and get worse. They finally came up with her having H1N1. The last I had heard she was getting better and then all of a sudden today I hear she had been on life support (she had been on Ventilator when she first went in and was never taken off it till today) and that the family was taking her off today. I couldn't believe it and I had to look every where to make sure I was reading the right things. I was the one who called and told my husband and he is taking it really hard. He had gotten to know her better then I had. They worked together for many years and got to know each other pretty well. He is now calling all his friends to let them know how much they mean to him. So I just want everyone out there to really think about going and getting all the flu shots you can. They say the H1N1 is nothing to fear, but then it hits close to home and you know it's no joke. RIP Kitty!!! You touched my heart and I will never forget you!!!

Use both hands..........

So Kimo hasn't been feeling to well. So I took him to the Dr's to make sure nothing too bad was going on. When we were in the waiting room he was playing around with the toys they have there. Then he came an sat next to me. Well All of a sudden he was like........ "Mom, my butt hurts and I can't sit down." Me: "Ok, let me see what the matter is. " Well I looked to make sure his under wear was sitting the right way and it was. Kimo said: "Mom, you have to use both hands to look in my butt!" Boy, I was so shocked that just came out of his mouth in front of so many people. Everyone in there was laughing so hard. Kimo: "I was just joking!!!" It was too funny and emberasing at the same time. UGH!!! Kids!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Kimo's 1st day of school................

Here are a few pictures of Kimo's first day of Kindergarden. :)

Nani walking Kimo to school

Kimo, Daddy, and Nani waiting to go to school

Nani was so upset that Brother had to go to school and we had to leave him there......

waiting for Kimo to come out..

here he come with him class and his teacher

School was awsome........

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Both kids are sleeping and here I am bored to death. So I figured that I could post some pictures of the kiddos. We had Grammy(hubby's gramdma whom we use to live with) down for a visit two weeks ago and when we took her home the kids got to go horse back riding. They both had so much fun. Here are a few pictures................
Nani and Daddy petting a horse

Kimo sitting on the tractor....

You have to clean the horse before you can saddle it

Kimo rode first....

Then Nani got to ride..... (at first she rode with Daddy but then she wanted to do it by herself like brother)
She had to wear the helmet too........

All boy.............

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

you should call me crazy head............

Yup, you read that right. Well those are the words from a 4 years old mouth. He had droped one of his transformers and he said that we should have called him crazy head, because now he has to be caeful of the broken arm on the toy and a broke wing. LOL

The other day we were driving in the car and Nani said......... " EWWW DADDDDY" it was too cute. She had smelt something bad and blamed it on Derek. Too funny!!! Anytime she smells something bad (ie. a fart) she blames it on Derek and plugs her nose.

Kids say the darnest things.............

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Fun at the beach............ 7/25/09

These are just a few pictures of our trip to Malibu a few weekends ago.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A spring day............

A nice spring day we had while TJ and Linda were at the hospital. I had to keep the kids busy some way.....

Gordon and Nani playing ball

Showing Mommy the pretty flower

Smells so good

Smelling the sweet flowers

saying cheese through the tree............

Nani waiting for Mommy to come back in the yard

I took Kimo and Nani to the closest park and they loved the swings. I have other pictures but they need to be rotated.

Pictures from IL

This was the plane ride to IL. Nani and Kimo did really well on the 3+ hour trip.

Bath time when we got there.

Kids tuckered out from the long day

Just saying cheese..........

Where's Nani?

Gordon found her..........

Kimo and Gordon playing while Auntie Linda and Uncle T were at the hospital.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Nani's 2 (well as of May 25th)

Well I just wanted to share that Nani is 2 now. She weights in at 21lbs 15oz, and is 31 inches tall. My Mom, Kimo, Nani and I went to Disneyland to celebrate both my Mom and Nani's Birthdays. So here are a few pictures of the day. It was a good day, a bit crowed, and Kimo wasn't feeling too well, but all in all a good day.

Birthday Girl and Mommy........

Did someone say Mickey?

The begining of the day.....

See he is all bundled up he wasn't himslef. Turns out he had an ear enfection which we were guessing what was going on.

Them being silly..........

My poor sick boy.

Is it all 4 1/2 year olds....................

Well when I had run out to ake the trash out tonight, I come back to Hubby kicking Kimo out of the house. He said to Kimo "well if you don't want to live with us then go and find a new family." You'd think Kimo would have learned already after he has had this happen to him before. Well I asked Hubby what had happened and he told me he walked into the kitchen to find Kimo hanging and swinging on the fridge door (needless to say this isn't our fridge to begin with). I can't believe him. UGH!!! So hubby spanked his little butt and sent him to his bed. Well I guess from there Kimo started to mouth off saying thatif Daddy spanked him again he was going to punch Daddy in the face. Then he says he doesn't want to live here anymore. What do you do with a 4 1/2 year old who mouths back and can just be a real stinker? It almost seems like he is going throught the terrible two's now instead of when he was suppose to (he was good at 2). Maybe it is just a boy thing............. He told Daddy sorry and wanted to come back and live here again (he stood on the porch and cried the whole time he was out there). After this he has been much better tonight. I just don't get why kids have to go so far and get punished then be the angels we know they can be. I know we were all that way when we were kids.