Thursday, October 1, 2009

Use both hands..........

So Kimo hasn't been feeling to well. So I took him to the Dr's to make sure nothing too bad was going on. When we were in the waiting room he was playing around with the toys they have there. Then he came an sat next to me. Well All of a sudden he was like........ "Mom, my butt hurts and I can't sit down." Me: "Ok, let me see what the matter is. " Well I looked to make sure his under wear was sitting the right way and it was. Kimo said: "Mom, you have to use both hands to look in my butt!" Boy, I was so shocked that just came out of his mouth in front of so many people. Everyone in there was laughing so hard. Kimo: "I was just joking!!!" It was too funny and emberasing at the same time. UGH!!! Kids!!!


*Mirage* said...

Ooooh my! I'd have died of embarassment! LOL!

Kelly L Boots said...
