I am home alone tonight too with just the babies. Hubby is working and won't be home till 6:30am and I have no clue when our landlord will come rolling in. To top it all off I was sitting on the couch watching
TV and making a bow for Nani and all of a sudden I see something coming running out from under my couch. My feet were on the floor and it ran right past them. I looked for something to catch the thing in and all I found was a cup I had used earlier. I tried to catch it to get ride of it because I had nothing to
smoosh it with. Well I didn't think it was in the cup because as soon as I put the cut down I thought I saw something move. So lifted the cup and it was under there but split under the couch I was on(I had moved to a different couch). So I climbed on all the
furniture so I could get my shoes just in case it came at me. So I put my shoes on and then I kicked the couch back (we have hardwood floors so the couches move really easily) and the thing ran again and I
caught it under the cup again. I got my mothers day card from my sister-in-law and used it to push under the cup so I would still have the thing caught. Then I found an old mayo container that
Kimo had in his toy bucket(thank god my mother-in-law gave him that stupid thing now), and
dropped the thing in there. It turned out to be this big ugly spider. I have no clue what type of spider it is. I took the container outside with tongs because I was too afraid to touch the container (I know it won't get me through the plastic, but you never know). Now it is sitting on my porch to show hubby when he gets home in the morning. The worst thing about it is that Nani had been crawling around all night. I couldn't even think if that thing could have bitten her and I had no way of knowing it, and I have no car to get her anywhere if it had. Scary!!! I am so glad it is outside now and I am wearing my shoes every where.
LOL!!! I will show you a picture of it tomorrow or Mon when I get home from Nani's party with my families!!