Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Nani girl!!!

I can't believe that it has already been "ONE" year since our little angel came into our world. She has grown so much and in so many different was in just one years time. She is learnig to walk and gets into everything you don't want her to. She is a GREAT help at taking everything out for the dresser drawers, but NOT so much of a help putting everything away. She has learned to BLOW KISSES and loves to blow them to daddy when he is on his way out the door to work. It is so swwet to see her crawl to him when he comes home from work. I can't seem to get my haed around how much she has grown and how much she will continue to grow. It makes me sad to know that I will never have another baby after her. I need to get all this time that I can with her being so small. I want to her to walk, but then it just makes her growup that much more quickly. I miss my baby boy being this little. Nani makes me smile very day and for that I am thankfull!!!

1 comment:

Butler Family said...

I can't believe hse is already a year too. Wow I never knew how fast they would grow up till we had Gordon. We love and miss you guys~~ She is getting so big:)