Tuesday, May 20, 2008

How I found Kimo sleeping!!

So today Kimo didn't want to take a rest(Nap). So I took Nani out of the extra room so Kimo could relax and get to sleep. He was quiet and I had no reason to check on him. Well I thought hey both kids are sleeping, I'll go and try to rest with my hubby. Well needless to say, I'm not tired so a rest is out of the question. So I went to check on both kids. Nani is sounds asleep in her swing, and Kimo is in sleeping on the futon in the extra room. This is what I found...............

Oh and earlier today he went to the restroom and came out to tell me to whipe his butt like always. Then he goes on to tell me not to be mad at him but he peed on the floor in the extra room too. BOYS!!!!


Butler Family said...

hah. That is super cute!!! hey. I tagged you look at my blog. I can't believe you actually posted something. AMAZING:)

HisWifeTheirMom said...
